
Olympus FV1000 confocal laser scanning microscope

The Olympus FV1000 IX81 is a laser scanning confocal microscope built for life cell imaging. The imaging platform is operated using Fluo-View-FV1000 2.0b. 

The FV1000 is equipped with an environmental chamber which allows the user to maintain stable experimental conditions like 37°C, 90% humidity and 5% CO2 concentration for long-term life imaging if needed.

The FV1000 IX81 is equipped with 4 lasers:

Laser Wavelength (nm) Output power
1 458, 488, 515 adjustable
2 635 adjustable
3 559 adjustable
4 405 adjustable

All users are required to undergo a intensive training before using the microscope. Trainings are giving on inquiry. A corresponding request form can be found in PPMS.