Welcome to the Cell Analysis Core Facility "CAnaCore"

The „Cell Analysis Core Facility” (CAnaCore) is a central technology platform of the University of Lübeck (UzL). CAnaCore was launched in 2013 with the aim to support scientists and their research projects requiring cell analysis either by FACS or microscopy and cell sorting, both for members of the UzL as well as members of the UKSH Campus Lübeck. You will find the Core Facility in the BMF (building 67) on the 2nd floor. The BMF is located here on the UKSH Campus Lübeck.

CAnaCore is equipped with high quality flow cytometry and microscopy instrumentation in order to perform comprehensive and challenging cell analysis and sorting services. CAnaCore is also responsible for flow cytometry training and education for new users and students of the UzL.

CAnaCore uses PPMS for lab management and online booking of the instrumentation. Users have access to PPMS via an account with personal login credentials. PPMS provides a detailed overview on schedules of the equipment, reports, statistics and even publications of scientists who have been using the service of the Core Facility. Registered users have access for further information on the instrumentation, booking modalities or standard operating procedures (SOP).
The terms of use (German / English) and the price table apply to the use of the CAnaCore.

This link guides you to the CAnaCore PPMS homepage: https://ppms.eu/isef-uni-luebeck/login/?pf=2



Cell Analyzer

Cell Sorter

Olympus FV1000 confocal microscope

Data analysis - FlowJo workstation




Universität zu Lübeck
Cell Analysis Core Facility 
BMF (Haus 67), 2.OG
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23538 Lübeck

