B lymphocytes and antibody production
Research Focus
- B cells/plasma cells in inflammatory diseases
- B cell/plasma cell mediated immune regulation
- B cell/plasma cell metabolism
Scientific career // Education and Scientific Training
Since 2012
Head of research area IV "cellular Immunoregulation" of the Excellence Cluster „Inflammation at Interfaces“
Since 2011
Member of the steering committee of the Excellence Cluster „Inflammation at Interfaces“(EXC 306/2)
Since 2009
Professorship (W2) at the University of Lübeck (permanent)
Habilitation in immunology, titled: "Regulation der Plasmazell-Homöostase in protektiven und autoreaktiven Immunprozessen", Charité - University Medicine Berlin
Since 2005
Honorary senior lecturer at the MRC Centre for Immune Regulation, University of Birmingham, UK
Visiting scientist (6 months) in the laboratory of Prof. Ian MacLennan at the MRC Centre for Immune Regulation, University of Birmingham, UK
Research Group leader, department of Humoral Immunology at the at the German Arthritis Reserach Center, Berlin
Postdoc at the German Arthritis Reserach Center, Berlin
PhD (Institute for Genetics, University of Cologne, Germany)
Degree in Chemistry (Universities of Freiburg i. Br. and Cologne)
- German Society of Immunology (DGfI)
- Study group "B lymphocytes" of the DGfI
- Cluster of Excellence EXC306
Forschungspreis der Wolfgang Schulze Stiftung 2002
DFG research grant "Entstehung und Homeostase langlebiger Plasmazellen" 2000-2003
SFB421, project B8, 2001-2004
Reserch grant of Senat Berlin "Adhäsionsbiologie" 2002-2006
DFG research grant "Identifizierung und Depletion von krankheitsrelevant. Lymphozyten-Subpopulationen zur Therapie des SLE" 2002-2004
KFG105, project 6, 2002-2007
SFB 421, project C12, 2002-2007
DFG research grant "Charakterisierung von Plasmazell-Überlebensnischen",
DFG research grant "Untersuchung der Rolle der Chemokin-rezeptoren CCR2 und CXCR3 bei B-Zell und Plasmazell Homing und Differenzierung", 2007-2010
Deutsche Krebshilfe research grant "Interaktion zwischen Myelomzellen und Stromalen Nischen des Knochenmarks im Em-XBP-1 transgenen Mausmodell des Multiplen Myeloms", 2009-2012
DFG Priority programe Osteoimmunology, Project: „Bone marrow plasma cells in autoimmune lupus modulating the function of bone metabolizing cells – osteoblasts and osteoclasts”, 2010-2013
GRK1727 TP13, 2010-2015
IRTG 1911 TP A3, 2013-ongoing
Project J, Excellence Cluster, 2013-2016
Project X, TP3, Excellence Cluster 2015-2017
DFG CRU303, P6, 2015-2018
IRTG 1911 TP A3, 2017-2020
DFG research grant " IL-10+ plasma cell mediated control of innate immunity", 2018-2020